Update on Craythorne Field – gate repairs completed

Craythorne Playing Field car park is fully open and the repairs to the gate leading from the road to the carpark are completed. We would like to thank our council contractor for all their work on such a hot day completing this work and reinstating the gate and the replacement gate post (for the one which was sawn off.)
After the clean up morning on Saturday the playing field was rolled to remove as much damage as possible, the grass was cut on Monday and so it is back in use. The area behind the shipping containers was promptly cleaned by ESBC on Monday morning.
We hope residents are now able to enjoy having the field and surrounding areas back again for playing games, walking and visiting the playparks in this glorious weather.

Reminder of Craythorne Road temporary closure 26th June – 5th July

Reminder of Craythorne Road temporary closure for Peveril Homes Ltd site contractors works.  These are to resurface the carriageway at the proposed site access and construct a bellmouth junction for site access leading to the residential development (New site access). In addition the construction of a new footway on northern side of Craythorne Road, to connect the existing footway on Beacon Road with the proposed footway within the residential development and associated un-controlled crossing points on Beacon Road.
Staffordshire County Council have advised that the whole of Craythorne Road is scheduled for comprehensive repairs beginning 19th July 2024 as part of the county council pre-patching programme.

Craythorne Playing Field car park closure from 9:00 PM evening of Monday 24th June and during Tuesday 25th June

Craythorne Playing Field car park will be locked at 21:00 hours (9:00 PM) on the evening of Monday 24th June and then be kept closed during Tuesday 25th June. This closure is to allow installation of the repaired gate from the road to the carpark as well as a new gate post to replace the one that was sawn off. We anticipate the carpark will be reopened later on Tuesday afternoon at some point. Thank you for your patience whilst these essential works are completed.

Update on Craythorne Playing Field traveller incident

A huge thank you to all those who were able to help this morning and cleared the field, the play areas, the ditches and the woods of all the rubbish left behind as well as the very quantities of branches and hedge clippings etc.
The car park and field are fully open for you to visit and enjoy. We would ask you to avoid the area behind the shipping containers on health and safety grounds until this has been cleaned.
The playing field has had the worst of its damaged areas on some of the pitches filled in and will be rolled over the weekend on Sunday so that use by Rolleston and other football Clubs may resume next week.
The Parish Council would like to thank all residents for their ongoing patience whilst we continue with restoration and required repairs.
In addition we thank all those at Staffordshire County Council Legal department, East Staffs Borough Council, Staffordshire Police, our MP Kate Kniveton, our County Councillor Philip White, our Ward Councillor Russell Lock and our council contractor who have helped us to deal with this very challenging, disruptive and unpleasant incident.

Travellers Update – they have finally moved on

Travellers on Craythorne update

As you may already be aware all the travellers have moved on at last.
The site is being secured and there will be NO access to the carpark until further notice.
The clean up starts Saturday morning at 9AM.
Please do NOT do any cleaning up yourselves as the litter and trees branches/cuttings are possibly contaminated.
If you can help with the clean up please bring gloves. We will supply litter pickers and bags.
Thank you to all residents for your support and patience during the last few challenging days.

Travellers Update

Further update on the travellers situation at Craythorne Field.
As of last night 20th June a number of caravans and associated vehicles have left the site.

The wooden kissing gate from the fields behind Bellway onto Craythorne field in the top corner, that someone had screwed shut later last night so that it could not be opened, is being dealt with to allow users to walk through it again.

We will know whether the remaining caravans are leaving today as the travellers had advised they would to police, or if notice has to be served on them.

Sadly quantities of rubbish and branches from tree works have been left around the field. Once the remaining caravans have gone we can commence a clean up and secure the field and car park.

We will update you further later today

Travellers on Craythorne

Further update on the travellers on Craythorne following the visit by the police last night. The travellers informed the police that they will be leaving by the weekend. In the meantime both the Parish Council and the police are progressing matters in anticipation of needing further action. The police have concluded their assessment and will be deciding the best course of action over the next 24 hours. Whilst this is ongoing there is now a continued police presence in the village monitoring the situation. The Parish Council are also continuing with a separate route of court intervention should this still be required.
Both the police and the Parish Council urge everyone to continue to report issues that they witness either through 999 for urgent matters, 101 or https://www.facebook.com/staffordshirepolice on messenger.

Travellers on Craythorne

Update on the travellers on Craythorne. Despite being within their powers the police do not consider the situation to be serious enough to take action. This could change if sufficient issues are reported to them or the situation escalates. It is therefore important that anyone witnessing any illegal activity should report it directly to the police, regardless of the nature. We are aware of the damage to the gates, the playing fields and to dogs roaming around the play areas off their leads. Reporting to the Parish Council or via facebook will not add any weight to the situation, it must be to the police.
In the meantime the Parish Council has started legal action to resolve the situation. This will come at a significant cost to the village and will take several days before a court order can be issued. We will keep you informed about progress.