Reporting problems around the village contact information

Do you know who to contact if you spot an issue? We all have the responsibility to notify someone if we see something that needs repairing or could be dangerous but finding the right contact can be a challenge and make a huge difference to the speed of the issue being addressed.

As a general rule:

Contact the County Council at to report any issues with highways (e.g. potholes), pavements or flood prevention.

East Staffordshire Borough Council has responsibility for planning matters including planning applications and planning permission condition enforcement, refuse collection including dog waste bin emptying, some recreational facilities such as Brook Hollows and Forest School Street play area  and will give advice if you have other concerns such as smoke or odour from bonfires and noise nuisance. 

They can be contacted on

The Parish Council maintains our play parks, open spaces, footpaths and more local amenities such as the planters on Burnside and benches around the village. They can be contacted on

All Councils have many more responsibilities and a full list can be found at

Remember – in an emergency always contact the emergency services by dialling 999.  

If you spot it – report it. Together we can make a difference

Rollestonian of the Year 2023 Award is open for your nominations until 1st March 2024

This award has been given since 2009 by the Parish Council and is presented in recognition of our local ‘heroes’ – quite simply those who consistently go beyond the call of duty.

It celebrates the inspiring individuals and groups that are part of our community, often behind the scenes, volunteering, supporting, or providing services to the village community.

For the purpose of this award any individual person(s) or group of any age who live, work or volunteer in the parish is considered eligible to be “Rollestonian of the Year”.

Do you know someone or even a group that you would like to nominate? For details of how to do this visit the Parish Council website to complete the online form at or contact the Parish Clerk at You can also nominate someone using one of the boxes located in Starbucks newsagents or Rolleston Club.

The closing date for nominations is 1st March 2024.

Have you visited the Community Library outside Rolleston Kindergarten yet?

The community library, set up by Rolleston Kindergarten and Youth Representatives from the Parish Council, opened in 2023 and is in great demand by children and adults.  Located outside the Kindergarten it houses second hand books for all ages which may be borrowed or swapped. The stock changes regularly as the books are borrowed or returned and as fresh ones join them. Well worth a visit by all readers.


New stile completed at Craythorne carpark

The new stile has now been installed at Craythorne field leading from the carpark onto the field by the council contractor. This work was part of the project to improve access onto the field, which last year saw the installation of a new kissing gate from the car park, and a replacement bridge and link path from the Forest School Street entrance to Tafflands.

Rollestonian of the Year 2023 Award is open for your nominations

This award has been given since 2009 by the Parish Council and is presented in recognition of our local ‘heroes’ – quite simply those who consistently go beyond the call of duty.

It celebrates the inspiring individuals and groups that are part of our community, often behind the scenes, volunteering, supporting, or providing services to the village community.

For the purpose of this award any individual person(s) or group of any age who live, work or volunteer in the parish is considered eligible to be “Rollestonian of the Year”.

Do you know someone or even a group that you would like to nominate? For details of how to do this visit the Parish Council website to complete the online form at or contact the Parish Clerk at You can also nominate someone using one of the boxes located in Starbucks newsagents or Rolleston Club.

The closing date for nominations is 1st March 2024.