Walks around Rolleston

A new web site for those interested in local walks has just gone live. Rollestonondovelocalwalks.co.uk offers 10 walks all starting at the Lychgate of Rolleston Church. The first five are on footpaths in the parish whilst the next five go further afield into Anslow, Tutbury and Hatton. In these unusual Covid times walking is one of the best ways to stay fit and active so the authors hope that many local people will try out the walks and enjoy them. The authors can be contacted at a.walker@rollestonondovelocalwalks.co.uk and any feedback, positive or negative, would be appreciated so that the site can be improved over time.

Mobile Library Service

We are pleased to announce that the mobile library service will be recommencing its’ service from Monday 17thAugust.

The service will operate to a revised timetable on a fortnightly basis.

We will be using an ‘order and collect service’ similar to the branch libraries that are already open.

The first visit will be focussed on customers returning their books and picking up an order form to complete and return to us in advance of the next visit.

Timetable: Mobile Library Timetable 8.20

College fields update

Bellway have advised that they will be laying tarmac between 22nd – 27th July (4 days). This may mean an increase in traffic but all will be kept within the current hours of operation where possible. All current procedures will still be in place including road cleaning and marshalling.

Craythorne Car Park

The car park at Craythorne will reopen during the day time only from tomorrow morning (at approximately 8 am). The car park will close at 9 pm and will be locked around this time so please remove your vehicle beforehand. Should your vehicle get locked inside the car park you will be able retrieve it at approximately 8 am the following day.

Craythorne Car Park Closed

It is with regret that the Parish Council have had to make the difficult decision to temporarily close the car park at Craythorne with effect from this Sunday, 28 June. We apologise to those this will inconvenience but it has unfortunately become unavoidable. We will keep this under constant review and update should the situation change. The field will be open as normal. However it will now be monitored by East Staffordshire Enforcement Officers and the Police who will be issuing fixed penalty notices to those found littering or taking appropriate action for other offences.