Annual Parish Meeting – Postponed

The Annual Parish meeting scheduled for May 19th has been postponed to a later date. Once circumstances permit, a new date will be confirmed and posted on the noticeboards, Facebook and this website.

Notice of Temporary Road Closure




NOTICE is hereby given that the Staffordshire County Council on 19 May 2020 made an Order the effect of which will be to prohibit any vehicle from proceeding in that length of Beacon Road in Rolleston on Dove from its junction with Neville Close to its junction with Knowles Hill and Rolleston Road unless the vehicle is being used in connection with the works; or is being used for police, fire brigade or ambulance purposes. Pedestrian access will be maintained.

An alternative route for traffic is available via Knowles Hill, Burnside, Station Road, School Lane, Beacon Road and vice versa. For more information, visit:

The order will come into operation on 25 May 2020 and the said works will commence on or as near as practicable to that date. It is anticipated that the works will be completed by 9 June 2020.

The Order will remain in force for a period of 18 months, or until the gas mains replacement works, which it is proposed to carry out on or near the road have been completed, whichever is the earlier.

Date: 20 May 2020

John Tradewell, Director of Corporate Services,

No. 2 Staffordshire Place, Tipping Street, Stafford. ST16 2DH

Ref: 4193569 Enquiries: Customer Contact Centre Tel: 0300 111 8000


Brown bin (garden waste) collections are to be re-started from Monday 20th April 2020.

Please also note that grass verge cutting has also been re-started and although there is a backlog, those areas of the village covered by ESBC will soon be completed. The areas covered by the Parish Council are already complete.

Find help and advice on Coronavirus and its impact on ESBC services:

Rollestonian of the Year

In light of current events this year’s nominations and voting will be postponed until later in the year. Further details will be announced in due course.

Parish Council Meeting in April Cancelled

In accordance with government guidelines during the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic we will not be holding a meeting in April. We will do everything we can to hold a meeting in May but at this stage this isn’t confirmed. We will be putting the safety of the public and Councillors first at all times and make a decision nearer the time, following appropriate advice.

Please check on noticeboards, Facebook and the website for further details.

Transport Festival – Cancelled

Rolleston Transport Festival 25th May 2020 – Cancellation Due To Coronavirus

In accordance with Government and Public Health England’s advice, the organising committee regret to announce that we will be cancelling this years Rolleston Transport Festival on Monday 25th May 2020.

We are deeply disappointed that the show cannot go ahead, as we are sure you all are, but we have to take our responsibilities to our visitors, exhibitors, traders, volunteers’ and everyone who supports the festival very seriously, especially as many of them are in the high risk groups.

We thank you for your continued support and will make every effort to ensure that next years event will be held on Monday 31st May 2021.

It is such a shame it has come to this, I hope that you will come to our event again next year?

Kind regards

Paul Simnett

Chairman – Rolleston Transport Festival