Coronavirus – Community Support


Coronavirus – Community Support

We are all facing unprecedented times as the worldwide pandemic continues to affect our communities. It is at times like this that the true value of living in a community such as ours can really come to the fore in helping those most in need.

There will be many in our village that are already very concerned about the future and how they will support themselves if things develop as we are being told. If you are aware of any neighbours or members of the community that are alone or more vulnerable, please take time to contact them and offer assistance if needed.

The advice we are receiving as a Parish Council mirrors that which you are seeing on the news – to wash hands, avoid unnecessary contact and large gatherings etc. We will continue to monitor this as closely as possible and should the time come when forced isolation is introduced, we will of course be looking to support where we possibly can. We are in regular contact with St Mary’s and other village groups to ensure that any activity when required will be coordinated.

Please give consideration to those around you – help coming from someone you know will be much more reassuring than from a stranger. The more people that can take a little time now, the better prepared we will be in the days and weeks ahead.

Equally if you are feeling vulnerable and would like to speak to someone please feel free to contact Revd Phyllis Bainbridge on 01283 814802 or Councillors Ellen/Steve McManus on 07962027212/07824901502.

Coronavirus support


College Fields Development

Further update:

Following the recent issues with the Bellway development that have been raised, the County and Borough Councillors together with the ESBC enforcement officer held a meeting on site on Tuesday 18th Feb to which the Parish Council was invited.
At this meeting Councillors outlined the various complaints and breaches of the CMTP, along with residents and Parish Council concerns including the lack of communication.
Commitment was secured that these immediate actions were to be implemented:
· 3 banks men to remain in place with communication devices to supervise all vehicle movements through the estate
· Lorries would be washed down / wheels cleaned before leaving site and followed down through the estate by a road sweeper.
· In addition a second road sweeper will go along the main road in the village
· Bellway will work with their suppliers on better staggering of deliveries to avoid lorries parking up
· Lorries must not park up at the bottom of the estate/on blind corners
A Bellway communication outlining the next stages of the development and their contact details has been issued to all estate residents and is below for your reference

The site contact for Bellway is the site manager Andy Adams on 07971 003231

ESBC enforcement officers are monitoring the site to ensure compliance

If you observe noncompliance matters please email the Parish Clerk on and these will be reported to the ESBC enforcement team


As many will be aware the development work on College fields has begun. Unfortunately this first phase of work has caused a significant amount of disturbance to residents and left roads and pavements in a very poor state. The Parish Council are currently engaged in discussions with the developer with strong support from County Councillor Philip White, Borough Councillor George Allen and ESBC’s enforcement officer who has made 2 site visits. We are assured by Bellway that improvements will be seen from Monday and a further meeting will be held with all Councillors and the developer involved. More regular updates will be provided through the Parish Council Facebook page along with periodic updates on this site.

For reference a copy of the construction management plan can be found below:

P_2018_00921_Construction Method Statement

T18072 Rolleston-on-Dove CTMP Rev D

WinterReady Winter Campaign

WeatherReady Winter Campaign by the Met Office

WeatherReady is a year round campaign run by the Met Office, in partnership with the Cabinet Office, to help individuals prepare for, and cope with, severe weather. The winter campaign encourages individuals, families and communities to think about winter preparations they can make to help them stay warm, healthy and safe at this time of year.

Details on the WeatherReady campaign including weather related advice covering the themes of health, travel and property can be accessed via the following link:

“Be Winter Ready” Campaign by Western Power Distribution

The electricity and gas networks have come together again to help members of the public prepare in case they have a power cut or gas emergency this winter through its annual ‘Be Winter Ready’ campaign, which is launching on 2nd December.

While electricity supplies are very reliable, bad winter weather can cause damage and disruption. As the nights get colder and darker, the chance of experiencing severe weather becomes more likely. Storms, floods and other extreme conditions can cause damage to the electricity network and disrupt energy supplies.

To Be Winter Ready, we’re urging the public to:

• Know your free emergency numbers – in a power cut call 105 or, for a gas emergency, dial 0800 111999.

• Prepare your home – keep a torch handy and get your appliances serviced by a Gas Safe registered engineer to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. Vulnerable households can also get extra support by signing up to the Priority Services Register.

• Keep your eyes open – keep an eye on the weather forecast and, if you have a power cut or a gas emergency, check on your neighbours.

We have created a digital toolkit of materials to communicate this information, including social media posts, a poster and leaflet:

Please share the posts on Facebook and Twitter, on websites and share in a newsletter or print flyers and posters. We’d really appreciate it if you can help us to reach people with this advice.

The Priority Services Register
The Priority Services Register is a free service provided by the company and is eligible for anyone who is of pensionable age, disabled, has children under 5 years old or relies on medical equipment.
As part of the service, customers are kept informed as much as possible of power cuts affecting their home and are given special help, if needed, through the British Red Cross.
The Priority Services Register offers peace of mind for vulnerable customers and their families and we do our very best to ensure that their needs are met at all times.
We already have 1.8 million customers on our register.

To find out more information or to register, please call us on 0800 096 3080 or visit

Village Defibrillator

A new cabinet has been purchased which means that the Parish Council defibrillator which was formerly housed inside the club has now been re-located on the outside wall, making it much more accessible to all.