Thank you very much indeed for your very generous contributions for the shoe box appeal and to those who have made up a box. It’s so lovely to be part of a collective effort which enables St Mary’s to help to bring joy into the homes of under privileged children at Christmas.
You can continue to donate anything off the list at any time: pencils, pens, colouring books, crayons, notebooks, drawing pads, toothbrushes, toothpaste, hats, scarves, gloves, small cuddly toys/other small toys, games, puzzles, small balls, soap and sweets dated January 2024 or later.
Suggested items for the next 4 weeks are:
8/10 Games, puzzles, any small toys
15/10 Small balls, any small toys
22/10 Soap
29/10 Sweets (dated January 2024 or later)
Thanks to wonderful support from a family on Hall Road, we have lots of Christmas paper, but we still need shoe boxes if you have any you can donate.
Please place items and shoe boxes in the red box at the front of church, or I can arrange collection.
Thank you once again for a tremendous effort so far.
Deadline, Sunday 29 October.